
  1. #1 by davidwilkinson1 on December 18, 2010 - 3:47 pm

    I’m a mature guy with about 35 years in the marketing communications business. Presently, I custom design web sites for the financial management community and others. What I offer that is extra special and not usually a part of the web design process. This is the capability to accelerate sales from your web site. As thousands of sites do not get the response their owners anticipated when they paid a lot of money to set up their site, we have a niche in this business that makes us special with the client. How do we do it? We use search engine optimization (SEO) to make your your site more search engine friendly. That means more prospects can find you. Through an intense effort we target to get your site positioned in the top ten on Google and other search engines rather than the number: 125,000. No guarantees, but we know enough about this business to get you the attention from the marketplace you demand in most cases. We also supplement this process with email marketing to your clients and prospects to keep you visible and viable. If you need business copywriting ( newsletters,sales pieces, white papers, media releases, etc) we do that too.
    Sincerely yours,

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